Discover ThetaHealing® A Meditation Technique
The Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Class introduces the techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant.
You’ll understand and practice techniques that allow you to change patterns held in place by core, genetic (ancestral), historic (past lives) and soul beliefs.
You’ll experience Unconditional Love of the Creator and any other feelings you choose to experience.
You’ll be introduced into Manifestation (why we create things in our lives), looking at your future, working with guides and angels, balancing your moods, soul mates, the Seven Planes of Existence and more.

The Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Class Investment is $400

The Advanced ThetaHealing® Class Investment is $400
Ready For The Next Step?
Introducing Advanced ThetaHealing®
Going deeper, the Advanced ThetaHealing® Seminar expands the information in the Basic for in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence.
You’ll learn to clear old, deep resentments, vows and commitments.
You’ll heal the Baby in the Womb and the Heart of Sorrow and receive downloads that will bring profound healing and enlightenment.
The ThetaHealing® Technique is best
Described as an Attainable Miracle
For Your Life.
Want to Learn Even More?
Introducing ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper
This class will allow you to experiment and focus on getting to the bottom of:
- Fears that hold you back from true success
- Resentments that keep you from enjoying your successes and life
- Illness of physical nature
- Manifesting only the things you want and keep you from manifesting the things you don't want
- Genetic, family hand me downs
- History (past lives) of the soul
- Why you think things are impossible. Miracles that happen are the events you once believed as impossible

The Investment is $400
Manifestation and Abundance ThetaHealing®
Discover new ways to clear blocks that are keeping you from manifesting what you want into your physical world.
Learn about enhancing your environment to support your abundance to keep coming.
Muscle test 100 statements to find out what you truly believe about what’s in your way of achieving the relationships you want.
What is the ThetaHealing® technique?
To learn more about the ThetaHealing® Technique, visit
About Boni Oian, Certified ThetaHealer® InstructorMy name is Boni Oian and I am a Certified ThetaHealer®. I have completed the Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper seminars in the ThetaHealing® technique. Click here to visit my certified profile on the ThetaHealing® website.ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at